Our Story

KMCT is a Saudi Arabia based construction company and a turnkey contractor in diverse market segments. We are committed to building the highest quality projects. We take pride in our work, because for us excellence is just the starting point.

Whether we work on state-of-the-art methods of pre-construction processes o r continue to provide quality work post-construction, our hands-on approach and years of experience as a turnkey contractor reflects through every phase of our projects. We have earned recognition over the years for fostering innovation, embracing emerging technologies, undertaking projects, and making a difference to our clients.

Our Mission

We are on a mission to serve people by enhancing their quality of life by building their dreams, while pursuing quality.

Our Vision

Our vision is to provide state-of-the-art service and market-leading expertise to our clients, even if we have to go an extra mile to provide them added value.

Our vision is to be a trusted global Turnkey Contractor changing lives, creating a melodic harmony of customer’s happiness and focusing on environmental preservation.